It is very easy to get a new website created through an ASP.NET process. ASP.NET web development works in that it helps to work to handle websites of all sizes. There are many features to check out in this web development option. ASP.NET is a popular program for web programming from Microsoft. What happens is that the user can simply add and edit materials onto a site. The materials can also be edited through the source code that is used for the site. All of the code that is being handled will be done through a server. All codes that the server processes will return to a client through an HTML display. OOP, or Object Oriented Programming, is a great part of this process. Controls can be added to the HTML to tell an ASP.NET program where certain things go on a site. As a result of this the code will be separate from the display. This makes developing a site very easy to handle. An important part of this development option is that of its compatibility. ASP.NET can work with many programming languages because of how it works on the Common Language Runtime system. This means that ASP.NET programs can work with a number of .NET languages. This part of versatility is important to check out.
ASP.NET works with many programs that are easy to handle. These work in that the user can drag and drop materials onto test pages to test out before uploading them. They even allow the user to edit website code as the site is being created. Among the most popular programs include Microsoft Visual Studio, Macromedia HomeSite and CodeGear Delphi. Some open source programs available for free like SharpDevelop can work too.
ASP.NET web development is a great thing to see. It is an option that works to help with getting a website to be programmed with ease. It works to separate code and display and can work all types of programming languages and software options.
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